Table of contents:
- Setting up your preferences
- Importing customers to Banqup
- Creating a new invoice
- Sending the invoice to the customer
Still creating your outbound invoices (also known as sales invoices or accounts receivable) in a spreadsheet, a word processor like Word, or in any other solution that involves more than a minute per invoice?
Then this Banqup feature will make your life easier by saving you a tremendous amount of time.
It'll take you less than 60 seconds to create and send an invoice with Banqup.
Setting up your preferences
Go to your Settings > Outbound.
Turn on the Create invoices online and set up your preferences:
- Default comment on all invoices: add a comment that'll appear on all your outgoing invoices (optional)
- Autonumbering: ON (so you don't have to manually give your invoices a number. Turn it off to number your invoices manually).
- Add a new numbering sequence for the autonumbering feature. Useful at the start of the year if you want to start the numbering sequence with the new year. e.g. 2022-001 for the first invoice of 2022.
- Add terms & conditions to all your outgoing invoices created on Banqup.
- Show extra information in the footer of your invoices:
- Email address
- Phone number
- Website
- Additional information (free text up to 256 characters)
Note: to display your company's number (UEN) on your invoices, go to your Settings > Company info > Registration options > UEN
Import your customers to Banqup
If you haven't done it yet, now's a good time. Even though this step is optional, it'll save you a lot of time down the road.
>> Click here to read how to import your customers
Creating a new invoice
- Go to the Accounts receivable menu.
- Click on Create new invoice
In the DIY invoice creation tool, you have to fill out the invoice's legal information:
- Invoice currency:
- Document type: invoice or credit note.
Note: if you select credit note, two new fields will appear to link the credit note to the original invoice: original invoice number and date of the original invoice.
- Document date. The due date is automatically set, following your Default payment after preferences (Settings > Outbound > Default payment after).
- Document number. Generated automatically if you enabled the autonumbering of outgoing invoices (see above 'Setting up your preferences', point #3).
- Your customer. Since you imported your customers in a previous step, you only have to choose which customer you want to send the invoice to. If the customer has not been imported yet, click on the + sign and fill out your new customer's information.
Note: if your customer is an OpenPeppol member, you will also need to fill out the PO (Purchase Order) number before you can send the invoice. - Product or service you're invoicing your client. You can add products or services in a few clicks thanks to the product catalog by clicking the Import from product catalog button.
If the product/service is not in your catalog, you can fill in the information manually. If you think you'll need to invoice this product/service in the future, press the little + at the end of the line to easily add it to your catalog.
- Service: your product/service's name
- Description: your product's description
- Hrs/Qty : hours, quantity or measuring unit of your product
- Price/rate: price or rate you charge by hour/unit
- GST: GST rate applicable to your product/service
The sub-totals, totals and VAT fields are updated automatically.
Click the Add new line button to add extra lines of products/services to your invoice.
- Comments. You can add a comment to each invoice individually or set up a standard comment that appears on all invoices (as seen earlier in this article).
- Attachments. If the document requires attachments, you can drop them through drag and drop or by clicking to open your computer's file explorer.
- Save.
Sending an invoice to the customer
Once an invoice has been saved, you'll land in the Accounts receivable menu. From there, you just have to select the invoice(s) you want to send and click Send.
Your customer will receive your invoice through the channel you chose when importing that customer.
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