In this article, you will see how you can configure Synqup in the console. This article includes two steps:
- Configure your accounting software
- Connect your own file or customers' files to your accounting software
1. Configure your accounting software
To run Synqup for the file of your own accounting firm, it must exist in the console, with your customers' files. If this is not the case, add your own file as a customer. Find the instructions here.
- Go to Accounting Package Configuration
- Click on Add accounting package
- Click on Select accounting app and choose Synqup
- Click on the plus sign to Create new accounting package
Set up access paths
In principle, you should have the access paths to which invoices must be transferred. Otherwise, you can decide with your IT partner which path to set up.
After following the steps described above, you will see the following fields:
- Path for INBOUND invoices: this is where your accounts payable will be stored on the server.
- Path for OUTBOUND invoices: this is where your accounts receivable will be stored on the server.
- Path for Statement files: this is where your statement files (coda) will be stored on the server.
- Package name: the name of your accounting software.
Using variables
Not all files should be found in the same place/folder. In order to be able to define a dynamic path, variables are available in order to organize your files. Here they are:
- [enterprise_name] = company's name
- [enterprise_identifier] = company's VAT number
- [accounting_file_id] = customer file's number
Some examples
Example 1.
D:\Banqup Synqup\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\inbound
D:\Banqup Synqup\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\outbound
D:\Banqup Synqup\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\statements
Le nom d'entreprise est le nom de la société du client. L'identifiant est le numéro de TVA. En pratique, le chemin d'accès ressemblera à ceci:
The company's name is the customer's. The identifier is the VAT number. The path will look like this:
D:\Banqup Synqup\Energia_BE9999999999\outbound
Example 2.
C:\Banqup Synqup\[accounting_file_id]\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\inbound
C:\Banqup Synqup\[accounting_file_id]\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\outbound
C:\Banqup Synqup\[accounting_file_id]\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\statements
The path will look like this:
C:\Banqup Synqup\1022\Energia_BE9999999999\achats
Example 3.
"Accounting file ID" is the file number you will fill in when creating your customers. The path will look like this:
Exemple 4.
"Accounting file ID" is the file number you will fill in when creating your customers. You can also enter self-selected values. The path can look like this:
In this example, we use the following paths:
C:\Banqup Synqup\[accounting_file_id]\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\inbound
C:\Banqup Synqup\[accounting_file_id]\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\outbound
C:\Banqup Synqup\[accounting_file_id]\[enterprise_name]_[enterprise_identifier]\statements
Which result in the following:
C:\Banqup Synqup\Dossiercode 1022\Energia_BE0700260420\inbound
C:\Banqup Synqup\Dossiercode 1022\Energia_BE0700260420\outbound
C:\Banqup Synqup\Dossiercode 1022\Energia_BE0700260420\statements
Once the paths are defined, click Save and the configuration of the accounting software is complete.
2. Link your own file or customer file with the accounting software
- Go to the Clients menu in the Console
- Select a customer or create it
- Activate Share documents with accountant
- Select the accounting software
- (Optional) Enter the file number if you're going to use the variable [accounting_file_id]
Your accounting software is now defined and your file is linked to the accounting software.
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