When you have linked your file or customers' files with the accounting software, the invoices will be recovered from Banqup and placed on the server.
When customers archive invoices on Banqup, invoices get an accounting status. There are three:
- To be fetched: invoices have not yet been fetched by the server
- Error: the server tried to fetch the documents but could not place them on the server
- Forwarded: the server fetched the invoices and placed them on the server. They are ready to be imported into the accounting software.
The Forwarded status is the final status. It guarantees that the customer's invoices have been delivered to the accountant.
The invoices are also available in the Windows Explorer on the server, ready to be used by your accounting software. For example:
If the invoices are not fetched or an error is returned, consult our FAQ. You can also contact <local support email address> by providing us with the log files.
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