Estonia: Calculate the right reference number of invoices
We've integrated the official check digit calculator of domestic account number and reference number of invoice in the invoice creation tool, the customer's details page and the supplier's details page. This helps ensure all your banking references are accurate and compliant. This feature simplifies your workflow by auto-filling the payment reference field for invoices created on the platform, saving you valuable time and reducing errors.
Croatia: New PDF template available for sales invoices
A new template can now be used for the PDF of your sales invoices created on Banqup. To select it, go to your Settings > Layout templates. More info here.
Romania: ANAF SPV improvements
When reauthorizing your company with ANAF SPV, the platform will fetch your documents from the past 60 days automatically, while avoiding duplicates. Also, our enhanced data extraction capabilities ensure that even if supplier details are missing in your XML files, we'll try and fill in the gaps using legal entity data, ensuring your invoices are always complete and accurate.
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